We went to the pet store today and bought the cats some new toys, including a (cloth) stick of dynamite with loads of CATNIP inside! Blaze was the first to discover it, and was going crazy for a good 20 minutes until Tiger showed up and stole it away. Tiger proceeded to get even more wild, rolling all over and kicking the stick with his back legs while chewing it. Cleo didn't find the toy (yet), but I'll give her some alone time with it tomorrow, haha. Enjoy the photos!
Tiger with the catnip stick o' dynamite.
Blaze with the catnip.
Tiger, just after stealing the toy from Blaze.
Cleo, looking very elegant.
Another shot of Tiger, making funny faces.
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I find them all cute, and they must have a lot of fun in their day.
They definitely are!
Awww, my cutipie.😍😍💙
hehe my cats do this too. They love a good hiding spot.
What little rascals.
Looks like Tiger is by far the most interested in the catnip!