Today was a pretty nice, relaxing Monday, for both myself and the cats. It was my first real day off in quite a long time, where I had no obligations, so I spent most of the day just lazying around, watching some TV, trying to get the cats to play a bit (which worked for a little while), and just generally enjoying the lack of obligations, lol. I think the cats were happy to, as I was able to just sit in a room with them for hours; while they like attention and petting, generally, they're perfectly happy to just hang out, as long as they can see you sitting in the room with them. If you leave, that's when they start crying and chasing you down, but as long as you're chillin', they're chillin'.
Enjoy the photos!
Check out my Instagram Music Page!
Click here to listen to all of my Splinterlands inspired songs!
So good! Enjoy your holiday !