Catventurer reporting

in #cats4 years ago


People usually ask you if you are a tourist, I usually answer I am an adventurist. Works better in Spanish, does not work in Finnish language. Advertisement and venture, combining the words makes a free human being, how intriguing.

Venture in dictionaries is described as:

To risk going somewhere or doing something that might be dangerous or unpleasant, or to risk saying something that might be criticized.

So with the concept of Catocracy, might call the members of the community Catventurers, stepping to the unknown and speaking out one´s mind. Decentralized communities might be the next big thing, especially at the times of virtual F-book burnings.

Being born in a culture, where personal thoughts and feelings are seen as taboos, not to be expressed in public, the New Normal is nothing new, really. The same manufactured collectivism existed in Russia and Germany, so naturally in Finland too.

From a small kid, I used to be intentionally different from others, not having the authority obedience everyone else seemed to create. Perhaps the base was in understanding the chaotic tendencies of the universe and dying for a few times for a short time.

I have always had some weird connection to cats, usually even less friendly pets tend to be attracted somehow. Stray cats are especially interesting, which has been the focus of my phone camera for a decade, around the southern parts of Europe.

Also thinking about tokenization, instead of exchanging Euros, we could trade cat pictures. There is already abundance of them, so the means of exchange would not be scarce, when created by the community itself. Like a more advanced Community Exchange, Timebank and virtual wallet.

Hive is one of the most promising platforms in social media decentralization and data blockchains, so in time people will see the potential. It took over a decade for Bitcoin to really start become popular, so big changes usually take a long time, even in the virtual worlds.

So instead of venture capitalism, we could focus on Catventures, where there is no debt and resources are what matter. Skills, talents, ideas, there is so much unused potential because the illusion of money is so widespread.

Have been involved in so many different grassroot communities from organizing demonstrations and meetings to occupied buildings, which have not used money at all. When there is trust, the exchange itself is usually beneficial for both parties.

Now it has been really cold times and a lot of rain, so adventuring has ceased for a while. Also the year started with a wide range of new ideas to make reality, so perhaps it is beneficial to write some of these down for everyone to see, even if the www ceases to exist.

Here is no fear of censorship, so there is no need for self-censoring either. Freedom is free, when you find the right way!