
Six cats... quite the family!

Mysti doesn't like being picked up either. I can usually do it for about 20 seconds, and then he scrambles to get out. Even the sleeping is kind of funny, because he only does it the first night I am home. After that, he sometimes comes in around 5am, but more often than not, he prefers to be outside.

And two big dogs. Almost had a third, a husky. Andrea can't so no to orphans. Is your profile pic an Ocelot kitten?

Is your profile pic an Ocelot kitten?

Close, but no. It is a Tigrilla, which is my name. In Damanhur, we have animal or nature spirit names as our first names and plants or fungi as our second names. Tigrillo/a is a South American feline. It is related to the ocelot, but much smaller. You have Ocelot as the biggest of our group of cousins, then the Margay, then me. I am pretty small, about 44cm with a 40cm tail, and I live mainly up in trees. I wrote a post about my name, you can find it here.