Journal Entry #2: How to Pill a Cat - My Experience, Tips and Tricks

in #cats8 years ago (edited)

I know you have seen those funny stories about giving a cat a pill (or even better a bath). This is not that! Although you simply cannot talk about pilling a cat without groaning or smiling or both. One thing I know, the first time is not fun but easy compared to the second and third time. At least the first time, the cat doesn't know what is coming so they don't know to hide. But this is not about catching a cat that does not want to be caught. I'll leave that to another day.

So first you catch the cat right? Nope, first you make sure you have the pill with you when you catch the cat!

In my case, I have discovered that a pill in butter is almost a treat but not something they will take and swallow. Left to their own devices, they will lick off the butter and leave the pill.

  1. Prepare pill in a dab of butter on a spoon nearby.
  2. Scoop cat in your arms on their back (this makes gravity work for you - sort of).
  3. Scruff the neck with one hand and tilt head back slightly.
  4. With the other hand pick up the pill and use another finger to pry open mouth.
  5. Pop pill down center of throat and quickly close mouth with pill hand.
  6. Keep mouth closed and stroke throat until you see a swallow.
  7. Wait a couple of seconds to be sure.
  8. Let cat lick the remaining butter from the spoon as a treat.

If at any time the pill pops out of the mouth, simply pick it up and resume process.

If the pill lands on the floor and you cannot find it, whatever you do -- do NOT release the cat from your control. You will not find cat again if released for a while!

I also sometimes pick my cat up and hold her like this when I am not giving her a pill and just love her and then release her so she does not think if I pick her up that means a pill.

Hope these tips and tricks will be helpful to you in your experience.

Here is my patient, Ivory.Ivory via Larissa  April 2017.jpg

Here is her story about stem cell therapy also on steemit here:

Journal Entry #2: How to Pill a Cat - My Experience, Tips and Tricks
June 4, 2017 by @scrosnoe

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