How to Treat Cat Scratches

in #cats7 years ago

House cats can carry some infectious bacteria and fungi. Including cat-scratch disease, ringworm, and toxoplasmosis. 

First, determine if the wound is deep or shallow. 

For shallow scratches: wash your hands with soap, treat with antibiotic ointment and leave uncovered to heal. 

For a deep wound or if it’s bleeding badly: apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Then, cover the scratch and see a doctor. 

You may require stitches and an oral antibiotic. Cat scratches can be defensive or playful.

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@sophial Thanks for your guidance.

Puncture bites go to a Doctor.

Ja, wenn Katzen nicht so wollen, wie der Mensch, muss man schon vorsichtig sein. Tierwunden sollte man immer gut beobachten und bei dem kleinsten Anzeichen einer Entzündung gehören sie immer in ärztliche Hände.