Keeping your cat safe during inclement weather.

in #cats7 years ago


With inclement weather hitting most of the northern hemisphere, we have all been experiencing adverse weather conditions not seen in possibly decades. Snow is not unusual, but double digit negative degrees is. With so much snow-fall, there is a large chance your cat may find itself unfamiliar with the white fluffy snow around it's turf. If you are a cat owner and give your dear cat the freedom to roam freely, then the below tips on cat safety during the snow will apply to you.

I bet you never knew there could even be such a list. Anyhoo, let's begin!

  • It goes without saying even in normal weather conditions, consider taking out pet insurance. This is something that will save you a lot of money in the future particularly when unexpected health problems set you back exorbitant amounts of money at the vet. With respect to the winter snow, it is a safety net just in case your cat develops any health issues as a result of the bad weather.

  • Easier said than done, it is best to keep your cat(s) indoors during the night time. Understandably, the darkness and night is prime time for your feline friend, so this will require some extra convincing. However, the majority of incidents particularly in adverse weather conditions happen due to road traffic, you certainly do not want your cat to be caught in the middle of a traffic incident!

  • Check your cat flap to see it hasn't frozen and locked the cat out. As always, make sure that make a conceited effort to keep the cat indoors when temperatures are soaring below zero.

  • Not all cats have experienced snow, in-fact, there is a first time for everything so if your cat is experiencing snow for the first time, make sure you introduce it under supervision and in a safe place such as your garden. Try to avoid large public places where the open ground will make the cat feel insecure.

  • Outdoor water is usually the source of hydration for cats who roam outside. In dire temperatures, the water can easily turn into ice, leaving your cat with no source of water. There have even been cases where cats have tried to lick ice and had their tongue stuck! Make sure you provide fresh clean water for your cat just in case.

  • Older felines suffering from joint dysfunction or deterioration can be affected by the drop in temperature. Inflamed joints are very painful and the only way to reduce this pain is by keeping the cat warm. It's difficult to see your dear pet wanting to go outside but bringing itself a lot of pain. Be responsible and keep it indoors while temperatures are freezing.

  • Cat's often climb into various places of cars to try stay warm when there are no other places of shelter. Common places of the car include the engine, under the bonnet and even on top of the wheels. Always check your car by giving it a gentle smack to alert the cat you're about to use the car.

With all these little things to look out for, keeping your cat safe seems like a lot of work. In reality, most of you will be exercising most of these recommendations any way and for the most part, will have no problems at all. Seeing your cats enjoy the rare occurrences of snow often feels like seeing your own children play in the snow for the first time. I'm sure cat lovers treat their cats as they would their own children and thus we must cherish all the wonderful experiences we'll have with them in their short time on earth with us!



During the Middle Ages, cats were associated with withcraft, and on St. John’s Day, people all over Europe would stuff them into sacks and toss the cats into bonfires. On holy days, people celebrated by tossing cats from church towers.

why they throw, can not the cat die?

Nice. He looks so much like my cat! Mine love to be out in the snow though, but I try to make them be inside during nighttime.