How Much Do You Know About Proper Cat Nutrition

in #cats8 years ago

The way you care for your cats can mean the difference in how healthy they remain and how long they live. Making the choice for providing the best cat nutrition can be done when you learn everything about your feline needs.

Playing with your new kitten is a lot of fun. However, to help him remain as playful and happy as ever, you should make sure he eats a well balanced diet specifically formulated for growing kittens. The nutritional support a growing baby needs is vital to how healthy he is when he gets older. Make sure to select only the quality foods made just for kittens.

The adult cat needs nutritional support as well, but in a different way than kitten do. Feeding foods that are high in nutrients just for an adult feline is vital in keeping him healthy and to help keep vital body functions up to par. Maintaining the proper diet can help to prevent the occurrence of many nutritional related diseases like obesity and kidney failure.

Older felines require a special diet and in many cases, your vet will prescribe a certain type or brand of food to alleviate and treat medical issues. Many older cats have trouble with kidney failure and some foods are made ton help support the kidney function for this reason. Feed the diet your vet recommends for your older cats to remain healthy as long as possible.

The overweight feline is likely to suffer from a host of medical problems. Making sure you help him to lose those extra pounds is important to him being healthy. Many foods are designed for the overweight pet. Your vet can help you to make the right choice for your cats.

Keep a fresh bowl of water available for your cats to drink from at any time they please. Being able to remain hydrated is another important part of your cats body being able to function in a healthy way. The cats that do not get enough water can become dehydrated and contract a host of diseases due to this fact.