Happy Caturday 2025 end of Winter

in #caturday5 days ago


She stikes quite the pose. Cats can be very photogenic when they wish. The Coon has grown a full winter coat to protect her from the cozy 20 degrees inside the house.


Crypticat being part Siberian is much better suited to the cold Canadian winter. She lies on a blanket like it is snow.


Our cats love going outside, just not when it is snowy out. Better go back in for the next five months. This was one of the first snowfalls of the year back in October. It is snowing today in the middle of March.


Here is the Coons first kill. She has been trying to get a sparrow for the past three years but finally figured it out. Instead of trying to sneak up to them in the tree, she will sit behind the fence wait until they land on it and jump up six feet to get the birds sitting on it.


Crypticat has not been doing much hunting lately. She prefers to relax on the deck and knows there is a full bowl of food waiting inside.


This isn't for you! It is really annoying but the Coon will sit anywhere and everywhere, spreading her fur around.


The bed is the best place to relax. Sometimes the entire family is on the bed at once, cats and all.


Strollers are great for cats to sit in. Before you accuse me of being a freak, this is not for cats!


They are playing together with some catnip toys here. While Crypticat and the Coon aren't best friends they interact a few times a day, which is typical for female cats of different ages.


Look how much of the bed she takes up. These are not small cats being almost a meter long when fully stretched out. The Coon is all fur though.


Here's a cozy nook.


And we will leave you today with a funny photo, it's time to take a nap. Have a Happy Caturday and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

All photos were taken with an s24 or iphone 15 pro.