Happy #Caturday! - Lessons on Riding in a Car

in #caturday7 years ago

This is Dax. She occasionally goes on trips with me in the car. Unlike "normal"cats who are fully capable of sitting quietly, resting in a cat carrier, she yowls and screams unmercifully until I take her out of the cat prison.

Dax gets huge points for creativity regarding her decision about where she wants to sit when traveling in the car. Here she is in her favorite car-riding spot. Yep, right on the driver's shoulder, slumped over the headrest like a sack of flour.

Here's another angle of that insanity.

This kitty is a keeper.

Happy #Caturday, everyone!


I'm not brave enough to take one of my cats for a ride in the car unless it's necessary... :-)

The first time was a disaster, @amberyooper! Peeling her off of the ceiling. But in time, they really do get used to it. Thanks for stopping by!

Dax is too precious and knows what she wants aye? 😻

Thanks, @innterstellar! She is, by far, the most entertaining cat I have ever owned. She's a riot!

You're welcome. I am the crazy cat lady. I rescue many. I have quite a lively group and I could tell Dax was one to injoy!

Your cat is very cute, do you really like cats?

Hi @maulianda. Yes, I most certainly adore my cats. I have two cats who are sisters. I also love dogs but mine passed away last May. So now it is just the two cats. The one in the picture seems to have the most mischievous personality, while the other is sweet and quiet. Thanks for stopping by my blog and being so supportive. I appreciate it!

Happy Sunday ...Hello @crystalize. I enjoyed reading about Dax, particularly about where her name comes from ... I would like to add a little fact too ... Apparently you can actually spin cat hair into yarn, but you probably knew that :)

Hi @cryptocariad. I did not know that! My car provided and endless supply of hair! I can only imagine how soft a cat hair sweater would be. At least I would not have to worry about getting cat hair on it.

I have a beautiful cat, but I think it is very rude. I love cats but I do not deal with them. They cause scratching of our hands when we play with them.
Good luck my dear friend @crystalize👍

Yes, @samer484, cats are certainly not as mellow or easy going as dogs. Bu they sure are funny! Thanks for stopping by!

That is too ironic! The animator I used to do soundtracks for is named Dax Norman!

This cat is lovely and nice hope you can give me as a gift😂😂😂😂😂😂.
Your cat most be very brave and smart. Happy weekend.

In just seven years, a single pair of cats and their offspring could produce a staggering total of 420,000 kittens.

LOL. Not this kitty! I always spay and neuter for safety and animal kindness.

Long, muscular hind legs enable snow leopards to leap seven times their own body length in a single bound.

I can do this all day, @catfacts! Did you know that my snow leopards do squats in the evenings in order to increase muscle tone an mass? Yes, they can jump eight times their own body length in half a bound. LOL!

The name "jaguar" comes from a Native American word meaning "he who kills with one leap".

Good to know, @catfacts bot! The name "Dax" comes from Star Trek Next Generation. Jadzia Dax was of the Trill species. As a kitten, my Dax kitty would zoom through the house trilling constantly. This how she got her name!

Cats respond better to women than to men, probably due to the fact that women's voices have a higher pitch.

Nice pics
Kudos to crystalize