Caturday SBI Giveaway #18 / キャタデー SBI ギブアウェイ #18

in #caturday5 years ago (edited)

This giveaway is closed.
Please come back on next Friday.


Caturday SBI Giveaway #18

Join me every Friday for a cat theme Caturday quiz and complete an easy task to win @steembasicincome share!

キャタデー SBI ギブアウェイ#18

毎週金曜日(日本は土曜日)@steembasicincome のギブアウェイを開催しています。 猫をテーマの簡単なクイズ & タスクに答えて @steembasicincome シェアを当てよう!


⭐️ The quiz for this week : Please look at the drawing below and answer how many cats/cat shapes are in the drawing.

⭐️ The task for this week : Count the cats carefully.


● Please leave your answers in the comments section.

● You must follow the rules, ⭐️ complete the task and ⭐️ answer the quiz correctly to be qualified.

● 3 giveaways go out this week

● Giveaway starts on Friday and will be closed sometime on Sunday. I will edit the post with “This giveaway is closed” when ended.

● Upvote and resteem is not necessary but would be appreciated.

● The winners will be drawn and the announcement will take place the following week.

● When you are asked to share photos, it must be your own.

That’s all!
Hope to see your entry!

⭐️ 今週のクイズ :下の写真を見てください。私は何匹の猫/猫の形を描いたでしょう?

⭐️ 今週のタスク :気をつけて数えましょう。


● エントリーの条件はルールを守ること、⭐️ タスクをこなし、そして⭐️ クイズに正解していることとします。

● 今週のギブアウェイは3つ

● 期限は金曜日から日曜日(日本では土曜日から月曜日かな)終了した投稿には編集で “このギブアウェイは終了しました” と追記します。

● Upvote、Resteemは出来たらお願いします。しなくてもOKです。

● 当選者は抽選です。発表は後日行います。

● 写真をシェアするお題の時は、自分の写真でお願いします。




Thanks for visiting!




18 cats
Happy Caturday

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the entry!
The answer was 21.

it was worth participating

Posted using Partiko Android

20 Cats... Have a nice day!

Posted using Partiko Android

So close!!!
Thanks for the entry!

Same as @krazzytrukker 19 encluding the whole drawing as one cat....

Thanks for the entry!
The answer was 21.

Wow... outstanding piece of intricate art work 😊

Thank you so much!!!

I got 19..... The whole thing is one big cat also. But You said "in the drawing."

Aghhhhhh....did you change your answer?!?!?! :(
Thanks for the entry...

Yep. 20 if you count the whole drawing. But that is not "in" the

Posted using Partiko Android

25 CATS and Happy Caturday.

A little too many XD
Thanks for the entry!

Ahm! haha I just count the Arts but I saw 25 of them hahaha anyway good contest I am interested.

May be 19 cats and nice contest quiz.

The answer was 21.
Thanks for the entry!

21 cats. Thanks for the contest. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

You have very good eyes.
Thanks for the entry!