Awww... I love kittens :D and bunnies ;) thanks for the shoutout.
I've added you to @dustbunny's watch-list to let it help you out with your dust votes occasionally in the future.
The bunny does not require depositing of any funds by the way and it's help may be enlisted totally for free, additionally you could "lend" some funds to the bunny via a delegation to help with all that dust-fluffing, in turn the bunny will give your dust a bit more priority while doing it's thing.
And the bunny will keep track of your outgoing and incoming dust and fluff it up when possible.
Hey Bunny bunny and cat lover; thanks for the vote, comment and info...
I'll be sending some steem in some way, shape or form shortly. At least for hitting my comment curation efforts :~) I'm pretty sure that I 'used' your services in the past.
Have a happy day.
Supporting comment curation, genuine human interaction, that's exactly what I built the bunny for!
Since the bunny tracks the outgoing dust from other steemians, you've probably received some bunny fluff in the past through that avenue... now you'll be able to carry it on :)
Any support is much appreciated and the bunny will try to reciprocate the gesture ;)
I sent something to @dustbunny 's wallet.
:D that's too kind!
I've registered your donation with the bunny and your dust is getting a couple of minutes extra priority in the queue now