Yep..... Back on the Road, KrazzyTrukkin'
To quote "Jonboy @janton"
"Hello Sir KrazzyTrukker, Where You at today....?"
Why Thanx 4 Askin' Ya Long Tall Texan....
We are Texas Bound and Flyin'
To quote "Theo-AKA: The RainbowMan @hippie-witha-gun'
"Heres the Proof"
The KrazzyKitz™ Travelin' Road Show....
We are westbound on i-20 this #Caturday. #KrazzyTrukker & The #HiveCats are on a rest break in Vicksburg, MS. @ Loves Travelstop Exit 15.
The Sickness is REAL....
This seems like a Long Haul after a month of local loads with many days off sprinkled in. The longest stretch of days off being 8 days. Our 2nd longest stretch in 28 years, not counting the 3 month unpaid vacation compliments of a Suicidal Drunken Mentally ill idiot.....(Photo)
The 10 Days of Hell....
The year was 2013, The Hell was Covid 18..? I barely made it home from Texas, B-4 I went down with a severe Flu that quickly turned to Pneumonia. I had to call in a driver to meet me at home and finish the delivery on the load I was Haulin'. The first time in 20+ years I had to do that. I have always made my deliveries, even if my truck was towed to a garage and I had to borrow or rent one to finish the trip. It was a nightmare 10 days, and made me realize how much of a Superman, I am not.....
This photo is one of only 2 taken that entire 10 days of Hell.
I spent those 10 days in the spare bedroom. Sammi Jo would keep her distance as I had no voice, when I tried to talk I would just croak like a frog and go into another uncontrollable coughing fit until nearly passing out from suffocation. It was the sickest I have ever been, and Sammi Jo was FREAKED OUT.!
When I would pass out from exhaustion for 20 minutes, only to wake with another coughing fit, She would be laying beside my head or on top of my chest purring very loudly. It was mystical, a kind of healing feeling from her. She even woke me by licking the entire side of my head for an hour, it was soaking wet.... She really does think I am Her Superman.!
Keep Safe....
Keep Your loved ones close, and strangers away.....
Keep on KrazzyTrukkin'....
There will be a chapter about the "10 Days of Hell..." in the Sammi Jo Rescue Story™.....
From Her point of view of course....
To read the Sammi Jo Story from the start. Go to the latest chapter 12 scroll down to the links. https://steemit.com/catsofsteemit/@krazzytrukker/chapter-12-duck-duck
The Sammi Jo Rescue Story™, A true story of a rescue Cat that rescued 2 peoples relationship and maybe even saved their lives....
Divine intervention...?
You be the judge...
KrazzyKitz™ Vids here --->
Stupid KrazzyTrukker™ Trix here -->
L'll Guy looks so cool ...smart looking.. Is he behaving??
Much better, but still a bully. He responds to verbal now. I no longer have to grab him and pinch his lips and yell NO BITE..!!
He responds to my voice now.
Just don't turn your back on him...I don't have the luxury of voice commands with Deaf Gerry.. but he's not the problem L'll Guy has been...
Goddamn! That is one Hell of a wreck! Reminds me of the truck I saw on fire traveling to Eugene from Portland 3 and a half years ago. I still got that video somewhere.
Is Little MC still being a little asshole cat?
Yep... Still a bully. But stops now when We yell NO BITE...!!!!
Drive safe mate, stay alert. Hope you have a good run.
Thanx bro..!!
I hope you had a good one. You laid up now or still truckin'?
Just gettin' up here this Sunday/Funday morning out here on the road.
Going thru the routine. Feedin' the Kitty Road Crew.

Gotta do the poo igloo (litter) take out the trash, look things over. See if the ol'Prime Mover will start.
I am not much for breakfast these days. So I will drive over to TexAss where the fuel is CHEAP!!
$2.15 last i looked. And I get .25c discount. I never thought I would see under $2 again.... It will be spillin out the top of all 3 tanks when I leave there with 300gl/1130 liter.
Top the Tanks and shower.
I set this run up so i had 3 days to go 1000 mile / 1609k.
Easy Money $$$.....
Legit morning routine!
I picked up my diesel at $1.13 today (That's per litre) There's 3.78 litres in a gallon so...Not cheap by your standards. It's usually $1.80 though so I was pleased with 140L of the good stuff for $1.13.
Get after it mate, and drive safe.
Howdy sir krazzytrukker! You in Texas yet? Hot dang man, made it to the Promised Land again. lol. You just passin through?
Turn and Burn....!!!
Ok. very good. Must be too busy to talk!
At the time I was..... Bizzzzzzy.
Just layed down for an OLD GUY NAP ZZZzzzz,,,,.......
The phone rang..... it was my Tuesday pick up in Waco.....
Ready now....... so much for a monday afternoon off.....
Picked it up and drove 4 more hours........ But it is nice to be a Day Ahead of schedule..!!!
I am trying out the 3speak video uploads. I have been watching @jaynie s stuff on there. and DTube was horrible. They deleted all my stuff. 126 vids..!!!
Howdy again sir krazzytrukker! That sounds like work but that sounds good too. Things are getting back to normal? Is the traffic back to normal levels? Why did dtube delete your videos?
DTube said 6 month old vids with low votes/earnings get gone... Smfh
Screw them. The thumbnails and comments are all still there. Just gives errors when You click them after making You sit and wait several minutes of course.
I wish I could go back and reclaim all the hrs i wasted on that JUNK video platform.
Traffic (cars) are not back to norm yet. Thank GOD...!! It still feels weird out here too. I think it will be a while yet till norm, if ever.
Howdy today sir krazzytrukker! Texas is opening back up on May 1st, maybe that's tomorrow, I don't know how many days are in April. lol.
Sorry to hear about dtube but they've been a very flawed platform from day one.
Hey I finally got a post out but nooooooo, you're too busy to look at it!
It might be the last one for awhile, I'm gonna try and sell books on Amazon so I won't have much time to be on here. I'll still try and keep in touch with as many
craziespeople as I can though. I'll let you know how it goes, not that anyone cares.Where you at today?