I went to go and visit the cat that turned up at my work place at the shelter today. She's looking cleaner and eating plenty and not quite so painfully thin. Her milk has also mostly gone away.
And the shelter lady told me that they have named her after me. So now there is a dog and a cat out there named after me...
No one has claimed her so hopefully a home can be found soon. She is such a sweet and friendly creature, she loved my visit.
She is very beautiful and cute cat!
But she has a little sad eyes.
Good idea with her name!
In Cyprus, too, one cat was called by my name, only short.
Ludmila is my full name, but Luda is mainly called me, it is abbreviated :-))
I wish to quickly find a new loving home!
Hopefully she finds a good home, very pretty cat! !BEER
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Que linda gatita. Ojala, encuentre quien la quiera, para su hogar. Me recuerda, con su mancha negra en la cara, a la madre gata, de la mascota copito, de mi hijo.
She is a very pretty cat
What a sweetheart she is!
So friendly, too
She looks very sweet and needs a good home. Good luck to her.
I'm glad she seems to be doing well! And I just hope she finds a good home with people who will love her and care for her.
Happy Caturday!
At least she now has food and a place to sleep. I wish I could take her home but not with my 5....
I really hope that your work will not be in vain. This cute cat will find its owner and a house.
Someone is going to get a sweetie ":-)