Tom was my mother's cat. He turned up at her house as a stray and lived with her until her health declined and she had to move in with my brother. He was rehomed to me and nearly died from an outbreak of herpes virus from the stress of being moved to a strange place. He used to be a friendly cat but after he got so sick, he became timid and is hard to photograph. He runs away from my mother if he sees her and she's convinced he hasn't forgiven her for giving him away. He is probably about 14 years old now but is still very playful. This picture was taken about 4 years ago after he got sick
His health isn't great, his immune system seems to be damaged from the herpes and he has many allergies and autoimmune problems and he had to have all his teeth removed. That doesn't stop him from eating kibble, although it always makes me laugh if he tries to eat grass, because he has no teeth to cut it anymore. (I'm a meanie, I know). I feed him a special diet or he vomits a lot and he has put on weight and is doing well. This is his pensive look
Sorry guys, I got hacked but I got my accout back. Hopefully you didnt fall for it, cause I did and the hacker used my accout to hack others.
Phishing link. Do not click!
cat,very beautiful, and pensive,
I know, I reported it as a hacked account. I felt really bad that someone had taken advantage of your inexperience. Good to see you are back and now remember to be careful of the links you click!
So cute and beautiful cat. I hope to be health a lot more time.
The poor darling must have been traumatised and it must be very sad for your mum also. I think humans underestimate the feelings animals have a lot of the time but he is very lucky to have someone like you to care for him.
hehehe you meanie.
Can you record it next time and share it?
That is funny how Tom runs away from your mother when he sees her. Because Soju does that to me when we come home from a trip away. She wouldn't let me touch her but she lets her dad touch her. Then later she has a sook by cuddling next to me in bed when I'm sleeping
Sounds like Soju recognises her dad more easily because his smell changes less
I did wonder if it was because of the smell. So I showered and changed my clothes. But she still ran away from me.
So with Tom without his teeth, does he meow normally? Just wondering whether it affects the vocals like humans when we have no teeth.
Also is he the oldest out of your cats at the moment?
How many cats do you have?
Tom is a beautiful looking cat. Cats are great at holding grudges. He has nice head markings
Thank you, I don't think he holds a grudge, though. He really has become very timid compared to how he used to be
Great pics and beautiful cat 🐱
He is happy?? is the important 🌹
Love animals and stories. Thank you for both. Have an upvote.
Thank you. Have one yourself ;)
Abraham Lincoln loved cats. He had four of them while he lived in the White House.
Abe Lincoln was smart!
A steady diet of dog food may cause blindness in your cat - it lacks taurine.
lindo gato
Thank you for taking such good care of Tom! He's definitely getting to be a "senior citizen" cat, and he's fortunate to have someone who cares about him like you do. Older cats do struggle a bit with change; they get set in their ways — not unlike older Humans!
Happy Caturday, and thanks for sharing the story about Tom!
Cats are so beautiful in nature. Wish I could go outside, but unfortunately I'm a city cat living in a box in the sky
Indoor cats do live longer, life is less dangerous for them. We just need to entertain them more when they are indoor cats
a ginger cat
Hello, I loved your post, I also have a kitten, I adopted it, he lived on the street .. I will upload his story soon, it is very nice .. you will love reading it .. I have upvoted for you .. I invite you to see my post , they are very enriching! Please can you vote for mine too ...?
pets...... its such a strange word to describe a family most cases sadly they are more loyal & understanding than any person in your family.
Love those pics of Tom Cat. He seems to be enjoying life. Pets do not only bring pleasure to their owners: they bring pleasure to other people as well. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you
Pretty your cat, I hope you get the right diet for him, cats are very selective, it is not the person who chooses the cat, it is the cat to the person.
That's true, he's doing well at the moment
Very nice ...
what a beauty, nice photos. congratulations
Thank you
Beautiful cat.
Oops It hurts . :'(
dear sir your post so good and beautiful ...
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