I love it cattiude!! I know my old man would be very vocal if it bothered him. Thankfully, we don't have an issue with fleas despite a sandy soil base in our backyard. I like to think it's because of my use of tea-tree oil.
Still great advise. When it comes to our familiars, furry family members or how ever you prefer address them we just need to exercise common sense. If the garlic is in HIGH quantities yes it will harm them but the quantities you're mentioning are not going to harm them. Just like chocolate for dogs. Not good to give them small amounts aren't going to hurt them. My heeler has an affinity for chocolate. I have to make sure it is out of her reach.
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Wonderful, no doubt Chocolate is the number one antioxidant food on the planet, of course dogs want some in small dose of course! I have read that some breads of dogs will be highly allergic to it, just like people I suppose. But boy that would really be a bummer if I couldn't eat chocolate!!!