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RE: First #caturday Saturday 🐈 || ... a growing family #1

in #caturdaypalnet6 years ago

hah... be careful with the feeding... or just welcome your new feline overlords with open arms... they'll probably take over the chalet eventually?!

cats live around in their own decentralised world that only gets centralised when it’s about food

yeah... and you're slowly creating that single point of failure if you feed them too much, eh?!

I love all animals even those called “humans”

haha... amen! That's like the best sentence I've read in a while!


on another note... #caturdaypalnet isn't a thing (yet?)... but you can't edit the 1st tag after posting I think... :P


No one can edit first tag when it’s set 😩
I just copied those tags from a previous entry post...and I did it sooo bad, I just didn’t noticed it was #googlyeyes which was totally out of place, buff!, a total mess! That’s my urgency, one must think twice when tagging, my fault!

yeah... and you're slowly creating that single point of failure if you feed them too much, eh?!

Can’t help doing it, it’s my nature I’m afraid... I’m thinking about chemical female heat cushion, the less intrusive or traumatic technique I can think of...
Thanks for coming and giving your feedback ❤️