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RE: Colorado bans CBD sales.

in #cbd9 years ago

timelapse56 · 1 week ago

There's also likely some powerful behind the scenes $$$ pushing this legislation as CBD's cut into big pharma's profits. And 'Chickenlooper' ( @peterhendrick )... that was a good one!

You're not wrong here, and in our view it was entirely anticipated that pharma would attempt to do so, which is why we created services like Hempslist and 1620 Solutions in 2015, so we could create viable alternatives to the precarious playing field they would ultimately create in favor of big pharma.

We understand and appreciate that CBD (and all other cannabinoids really) has helped so many to alleviate their maladies in a natural manner, and I find it an egregious affront to deny people in need of this medication--I've personally encountered people who have children with epilepsy who moved to CO specifically to have access to this medication.

We hope we can resolve this matter soon for the sake of those most in need once and for all.