So, CBD weed will not get one high, correct?
Unless some kind of placebo effect kicks in..
Also, did you see any edible cannabis products in the shops you visited?
So, CBD weed will not get one high, correct?
Unless some kind of placebo effect kicks in..
Also, did you see any edible cannabis products in the shops you visited?
Oh sorry, yes well so far ive seen mainly lollipops lol, but shepz1 lives here and he said that in summertime theres markets with many different cbd edibles and drinks 😀
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Thanks for the info @movingman
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Your welcome mate! I have here a seed from that weed and will grow it in norway, can send you a sample to make butter with when im back :P
Its gets you just bodily stoned, instead of high. You feel your muscles relax but the head stays clear,so classic effects like the "forgetful stoner" dont come from it. The first time me and a mate smoked some we were paralized but completely clear in the head, its so strange to someone used to smoking weed with thc. Oh and cbd is an anti phycosa compound, so to treat for several physcotic illness it is perfect,and natural instead of shit from the big pharma mafias
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