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RE: CBD Oil: The Miracle Healing of Marijuana without the High

in #cbdoil8 years ago

it is amazing how many children are being helped with this oil, one of my friends uses it on her daughter who suffers from epilepsy and seizures and it's AMAZING how the oil helps her!!


Honestly I have always been pro legalization, but it wasn't until I discovered CBD oil and the miracles it has provided for people that it became a real necessity to me. I don't like the for profit prison system and honestly as a recovering addict I still feel like if people want to kill themselves they'll do it one way or another, stop making it a money making scheme for the prison state. Lou Gehrig, epilepsy, terminal cancer, PTSD, and even full blown psychotic breakdowns are treatable and/or manageable because of this medicine. The only reason whatsoever the DEA could have for banning it is to profit off of it, be that from lobbyist for big pharmaceutical industry or just packing the shit in and putting it on the streets themselves.

I don't see anything wrong with a for-profit system, I know growers who produce cannabis and a variety of cannabis products and they work their butt off!! they work all day every day on their business it's very inspiring actually to see how hard they work and they deserve to be paid for their efforts.. it's a bit silly to think they should be doing that for free or that anyone is entitled to their labor..
It is the corrupt cluthces of crony** capitalism which has ruined the industry and made it so that companies are afforded a monopoly, thanks to the government!, and once they have that they can rack up the price to anything they want! the prob is gov!

sorry didn't see the word 'prison' there lol ! and with that i'd say the issue is victimless crimes! :)

I think you misunderstood what I'm saying. The DEA banned it to further the for profit prison system or to bring it in themselves and make money and also further the for profit prison system. A good friend of mine actually works a farm in California, I agree 100%.

yes that is why i said i didn't see the word 'prison' there! lol no worries!:)
i have seen documentaries on judges there that put these teens in jail again and again because they receive $$$$ incentive for it and it's a crock of absolute shit! the people involved with the sentencing shouldn't be profiting

Man I shake people out of my life like fleas. I don't even like to talk to people on Facebook anymore because of this shit. They are so worried about Tomi Lahren and Trump, and I'm just sitting here like, "Your being distracted from the fact that your a slave to a greed and fear based economy that uses debt as the primary means of entrapment." They usually block me after they can't come up with a real argument to prove me wrong. :P