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RE: The Magick of Physics by Felix Flicker is well-written, endearing, engaging, and maddening

in #ccc2 years ago

Thanks for reading that long long review!
"Math is God" - well, look at the periodic table of the elements. Lego bricks!
Reduce everything to a molecular or atomic level,
Consider the billions of years of building, remodeling, "evolving"
Creator, Designer, Builder, Master, God
The force that through the green fuse drives the flower (Dylan Thomas)
I'm not out to topple Jesus or debunk the Old Testament or ridicule the Gospels.
As a child, I had my own doubts, but I didn't expect to hear our Protestant minister say Noah's Ark was just a story, like Daniel in the Lion's Den, used to illustrate the truth of God at work in our lives.
Cognitive dissonance
So, no, I do not find it plausible that the Genesis story explains how we came to be, and how evil entered the world; I don't find it plausible that a loving, Creator God would set up the elaborate scheme of heaven and hell, Redemption and Damnation, as presented in the New Testament....
But I still pray that daily Rosary (it's more than a habit; it's a meditation, a prayer, a hope that my petitions or well wishes for others will somehow be conveyed to "The Universe" or to a God who hears us and intercedes on our behalf).... I can only hope (not believe) we may be reunited with our lost loved ones, and that all will be forgiven.
(as for eternal hellfire, the punishment does not fit the crime).


He's on Instagram too -
"From my latest podcast with @matiasgustavodestefano "

The universe is constantly communicating with us, in both subtle and profound ways. When we are in tune with the energy of the universe, we can hear its whispers and feel its nudges.

First she whispers, then speaks, then gets loud.

If we still don’t listen, we get benched. Whether by accident, injury, or a deep malaise.

But no matter what, it’s the universe guiding us toward our soul’s purpose and ultimate fulfillment.

By listening to the whispers and following our inner guidance, we can avoid the more dramatic wake-up calls and live a life of greater ease and flow.

In my experience, ayahuasca has helped broaden and deepen this understanding.

Yep. There's an older one in Spanish (with English dub) where he talks about more, like telling the entire story from creation onwards. Haha.

For me I've watched some recent videos of Catholic exorcist priests talking about angels, demons and saints. They give a more detailed explanation, including everything about suffering and redemption, Garden of Eden, temptation, etc. That's why I have little doubt left in me. Hehe. But of course that's just me. 🙂 For sure you can find answers to your own questions online.

Find answers online, or in books, or from some wise old man on a mountain top...
Or, "Be still and know that I am God" -
I've been reading for half a century, and much of those years have been spent in quiet contemplation. Weeding in the garden, walking while praying a Rosary, listening for all that is outside myself....
Born a skeptic.
Always questioning, wondering, never "knowing," willing to believe....