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RE: Looking Back/Look Forward #ccc 2.21 by @wakeupkitty

in #ccc5 years ago

That is a very long time ago you left. He was still young. Who took care of him? He grew up like a fine and happy man. You can be proud of him.

Perhaps you can join the shadow contest too?

I hope it is not the year 2200 you will meet again 😥.

Thanks for joining this contest. You 🌶

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I wanna cry with your comment but I laugh when you said we meet next 2200..yes, my dear, I left him 7 years old. He graduated from elementary, high school and college without me. My sister took care of him until he got married. He got married without me too. I got grandchildren without me...This is how the way my life used to be.

Posted using Partiko Android

That is sad indeed but the more special it is you still are close. How many parents can say that?

I thought it was written in the sand 2200 😛💕

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2019 wahahaha

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Now you know how blind I am. 🙁

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What? no blind can right 2000 words.

Posted using Partiko Android

@olivia08 typing blind means your fingers no exactly where the letters are and yes you type fast, very fast without looking at your keyboard or the screen. It takes practise but it is possible and I am not the only one. ❤️


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It does not work this way. You need to transfer via steem-engine. 💕

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Thank you for the information

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How to give cc@wakeupkitty

Posted using Partiko Android

You can give/transfer cc (commentcoin) with

You can use the tag #cc one time if you have 10 commentcoin plus some left in your SE (steam engine) wallet.

You receive them for free if you comment posts that use the #cc like most of mine.

Happy day 💕

Posted using Partiko Android