Celebrating One Thousand Followers

in #celebration7 years ago (edited)

Just 28 days ago i celebrated 500 followers. It means i added 500 more followers. Wow that is wonderful. You cannot celebrate your progress on steemit without celebrating those that stood by you. I call my followers my mirror because i see myself through them. They are the ones that will correct me if i am wrong or tell me where i need to reshape myself. I must say that i am really happy to have you all. You have become a part of my life.

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picture taken with my infinix phone

The Journey

I was introduced to steemit by my elder brother @jammey. When he first did i thought it was a scam, i told him it was not real as if i have tried it before. I told him it sounded to easy to be true. I never knew it was just the way he said it that made it look easy. I refused at first but later decided to give it a try. I became discouraged after a while as i was just posting without the rewards. I already gave up


Chatting with a fellow steemian @tojukaka, he explained to me how steemit works. He was the one that made me realize that consistency and patience are the keys. I am glad i met him that time or you wouldnt have known anyone of the name @ewuoso the farmer. lol. It was then i decided to put in my 100% and i am glad i did.

I must say that the journey has not been easy as i have to share 24hrs between my farm work, steemit and other daily activities like sleep, food etc. It has been really difficult for me but with that i still find way to give good quality posts to my followers.

My Achievements

If i were asked what my achievements on steemit are i would firstly say my followers. My followers are the best thing that has ever happened to me on steemit. I suddenly feel useful and relevant. My followers define me and i am nothing without them

My other achievements i can say are the contest i have won. Most especially ocd and upvotable by #@jerrybanfield. I was nominated for ocd twice and i won once. I was also featured in the upvotable five times and i won 3 times. I am presently in his autovoter and he is upvoting all my post with 1%.

I also won the SPOTLIGHT COMPETITION which i recently returned. I felt was it was like to be a dolphin for seven days. I must say it felt lovely. I used the sp to assist a lot of minnows that needed it.

My acct is also part of my achievement. I have been active on steemit for 3 months now and my rep is 57, my acct value is $314.66. I currently have 70 steem which i am saving to purchase a laptop that will ease my work on steemit as i have a faulty phone. I will just take it slow.


As a jobless graduate, i have been able to manage myself a bit through the little i get through steemit. I wonder what will have happened to me if not for steemit.

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picture taken with my infinix phone

I want to appreciate all my followers. You guys have been wonderful. I wish i could do a give away but due to some financial constraints, i will not be able to do it. I promise i will next time

My write up is not complete if i do not recognize these three people

@surpassinggogle also Known as Terry Ajayi. Most people do not know that he is a Nigerian. I am sure some people will be amazed reading this. For those that know him, you should know he is down to earth. He is the originator of untalented. I guess he should be a therapist.. You should check him out and vote him as a witness. He really deserves it

@stellabelle is someone i respect so much. She is also down to earth and does not discriminate. She gives advice to people that needs it. I presently wrote about my alcohol addiction. She dropped a video of how she battled hers. Presently making use of it and it is helping me

@drakos he is also a witness. I will like to keep the reason why i like him as secret but i can tell you that he is a very good person. You should consider voting him.

Thank you for reading

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You are going to more places.... Bro keep on steemit... I hope we can both use this opportunity to build our nation.......

Hope to see your followers contributing to your post soon

Thank you so much bro

You are welcome my brother

Congratulations @ewuoso

I just read through your post the second time

I'm glad that you deemed it fit to mention my name.

This is such an encouragement...

Sometimes I get tired of assisting minnows because I sometimes feel like I need little help myself. Lol...

Knowing that you appreciate my influence enough to add it to your post is priceless to me bro and it inspires me to do more for others.

Thank you!
Thank you @ewuoso

As long as it is steemit. Bro ur name go everly day. U r a mentor

Congratulations man.....more wins

Thanks bro

Congratulation @ewuose. 1000 followers is an awesome landmark on your Steemit journey. Looks like it won't be all that much longer and you'll have that laptop. Where do you think you will be this time next year? Steemfest? Great goal to have. Has been wonderful getting to know you. 🦋

Thank you dear. Knowing yhu is one of the best thing that has ever happened to me

Wow!! Congratulation @ewuoso.. soon i will reach thst milestone too...

Congratulations. Wishing you more and more reasons to be joyful in steemit.

Hahahahah. Yeah bro

very nice

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very good

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