DailyCelestialChallenge - Friday-LoveBeautyFreedom-Love of a mother

My lovely steemians, its a wonderful day today and i found this interesting to talk about the love of a mother to child. thanks to the boss @sirknight for initiating this wonderful daily #celestialchallenge. Of-course @sirknight will applaud his mother for giving birth to him.

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What more can i say about the love of my sweet mother i know death didnt allow you to tell me much about life but you gave me life and make me to understand that God is always there for me forever on will i missed you and your natural affection and love from mother to child shall live on.

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Just the way humans have affection and love their offspring trust me animals also love their children you can never touch a cub and lioness will be looking at you no matter how close you are only God knows your other name.

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There is more about love beauty and nature, not the fake love we have from our girlfriend or boy friends or even friends i thank you for reading God bless you.


These are great pictures and an awesome sentiment. Many thanks for sharing, you just got an up vote from me.
Mr Water Geek