Todays theme reminds me of my favorite tv show nowadays. BLACK MIRROR. This is the biggest surprise i came across these last couple of years. This series is one of the best i've seen. Every episode is unique yet criticizes the same absurd society we're living in.
I found myself irritated with one of the reviewers who gave this mini-series a terrible review because it left him feeling "disturbed". well.... I think that's the intention....
As many others have pointed out, the series is superb: the actors are great; the script, if anything, is minimalist and the production is great too.
This isn't reality TV. This picks out the darkest aspects of how are future in this this modern age could end up, in extremis....
i Personally think it's a Facebook/Twitter/Flickr/Android/iPhone/Tab/internet horror story and whilst I think it's probably too violent for most people, it is a reflection of how we give up and of ourselves to the digital, overwhelmingly public way that the world now wants us to be.
I love this show. Will it change my FB or other behavior? No but, truth be told, I might be watching out of the corner of my eye....
Your future depends what you do in current.