These 7 wonders of the world are the product of a catalog prepared by a Greek scholar called Sidon antipath, are 7 architectural works that come from the hand of man which were transcendental in history before Christ, each with different characteristics which They are presented below.
There are 7 wonders
- the colossus of Rhodes
- lighthouse of Alexandria
- the statue of Zeus,
- the pyramids of Egypt,
- the temple of sagebrush,
- the hanging gardens of Babylon,
- the mausoleum of halicarnaso,
The Colossus of Rhodes: a city of Egypt the Colossus was built on a marble pedestal that measured 20 meters high in the year 282 BC, and was built to honor the god helios, the material used was iron lined in bronze for a statue of 30mtrs, in the year 226 before Christ an earthquake collapsed the statue, later the material of it was sold by an Arawe caliph to a Jewish merchant and for its transport 900 camels were used.

The lighthouse of Alexandria: its construction was ordered by er pharaoh ptodomeo second in the year 300 before Christ located on the island of lighthouses opposite Alexandria half 150 mtrs height its base was square and its top was cylindrical, built in stone covered in marble, some mirrors reflected the light of the sun in the day and in the night a fire of wood and oil served as illumination, it was destroyed by an earthquake.

The statue of Zeus: was built in honor of the god Zeus to honor the Olympic Games that every 4 years were made in Greece. The statue was built by the most famous sculptor who was at that time Phidias and presented to Zeus with a body made in masrfil whose clothes and jewelry were gold, half 12 meters high and took 10 years to build it finished in 1450, was destroyed by the Emperor Theodosius in the 5th century.

The pyramid Keops: it was built by order of Pharaoh Khufu is also called pyramid gizeh measures 230 per side150 mtrs height took 23 years to build it worked 100000 man estimated, it took 2,500,000 stones to build it and each 1 weighed 15 tons. And each pyramid had the resting place of the pharaoh temples access tunnels, and halls, to keep the goods that the pharaoh needed in the afterlife, there are 2 pyramids after the one of Keops one built by the pharaoh kefren and the other by his son called mycelians.

The sagebrush temple: this temple is located in greece in the city of Efeson and is dedicated to women in honor of the goddess Artemis, the temple is raised on 127 columns, placed on a marble base are 127 colonists of 20 mtrs high and 1.75 in diameter was built in the 7th century before Christ, and later was sacked by Nero.

The hanging gardens of Babylon: now known as Iraq, its construction dates back to the year 600 before Christ by the Nebuchadnezzar king in honor of his wife were terrace built in a staggered way with a separation of 24 mtrs between one and the other for the flowers to hang and They could be seen by the visitors since the people had no access to the palace.

Mausoleum of Halicarnaso: was built 350 years before Christ in territory that occupies the current Turkey and has a height of 45 mtrs was destroyed by Alexander the Great in 334 BC has a podium 300mtrs high and is adorned by reliefs and sculptures in honor to mausoloy artemisa

Holy Scriptures 1569
Increase you, O LORD my God, your wonders; and your thoughts to us, we can not tell you, announce, or speak; they can not be narrated.
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I like your post as we also have to do a bit of incapie to so many wonders of the modern era and even those that were also wonders such as the Chinese wall and many others .. good work and thanks for bringing a little knowledge
Greetings friend, good publication