Born in Christ we find the light of our being, only thus, we are resplendent and we illuminate our surroundings with the presence of the Lord in our walk.
>What belongs to God is light; and the one who receives light and stays in God, receives more light, that light becomes more and more resplendent until the perfect day in which we are with God. D. y C. 50:24
When you do not know what it is like to be with God? you have no idea what your being reflects, once he fills you you see the change.

Things begin to change, because we feel the embrace never imagined, that when you feel it you, do not want to let go, this illuminates the life of the man who is born in Christ, when he walks and they see him, he only looks radiant and he has been embraced for the almighty, and once it is in you, the miracle begins in your life.
God promises to illuminate the path no matter how long it takes, little by little our spiritual light is ignited by an act of faith, so that the light of Christ may be in us.
The Light of our father is real and is manifested in me, in you, and in all those who surrender their hearts to him and in his immense mercy and kindness, he gives us his light.

Light comes through God, of that there is no doubt, if we do things in a good way, the Lord sees, and applauds our actions when they are done with a good heart, that is where he allows the light to come out and the world see, and understand, that the only way to enlighten their lives, their path, is to follow the Lord, letting him enter their lives, so that we reflect the truth of life.
> I am the light of the world, the one who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life. John 8:12

If we consider ourselves children of God, we will have part of the light of the King of creation itself, because once we accept it and are born in it, we can have part of that light and through the blessing transmit it.
Being faithful to God, the Lord dispels darkness and shows us the truth, this is true when we are born in Christ.
God transmits light to us through his holy spirit, so that we walk like him, doing good and living for him.

The Lord lives in us, as a light for the world, because the light is emitted itself, because God is an infinite source and has allowed us to shine, the word says it clearly: Then the righteous will shine as the sun in the kingdom of his Father, the one who has ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 13:43 and The wise will shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who teach justice to the multitude, as the stars perpetually eternity. Daniel 12: 3
When we are with him, we will shine, because God is there as pure light, and he says: if you want the fullness of what I have for you, then come and enter into my presence.
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Hello, the church of God, ready for the big day.
Good post!! Amem, gloria to God!! God Bless you
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When the light of God comes into our lives, it leaves no room for darkness.when we reflect the light of God, we shine so bright to the world.
Amen, Amen and Amen, so be it, for God is our only truth, and the light that we reflect is through him, what a powerful light, if it comes from the father of glory.
@Cindycam, beautiful post!
Hello, thank you very much. :)