DailyCelestialChallenge Saturday-agriculture-the almond

Happy day my dear community, today I bring you in the challenge initiated by @sirknight, a very tasty seed, with variety of use, nutitive: The almond.


Agriculture develops four varieties of late-picking almonds. ... The date of flowering of this almond coincides with that of Tarraco, which also stands out for its excellent production capacity and early production. The fruit that the tree gives is abundant and of great measures.
The almond is the fruit of the almond tree (Prunus dulcis). It has a cinnamon-colored film that surrounds it, as well as an outer shell that is not edible and that represents an important weight of the almond and a green skin that dries. Therefore, the edible part of this fruit is reduced to 40%.

Know the parts that make up the almond tree:

Estate. The almond tree has a few very developed and deep roots that are what roots the tree to the ground. The secondary roots are thin, tender and very long, forming small roots and root hairs.
Trunk. The trunk of the almond tree in its youth is smooth and, as time passes, it becomes cracked. Its bark goes from a soft green in its early stages of development to acquire its characteristic brown color when adult.
Leaves. The leaves are long, narrow and flat and their color is of a characteristic intense green.
Flower. The almond blossom consists of five petals, which vary the color from soft white to pale pink.
Fruit. The fruit is a drupe, fruit with bone.
Seed. The almond seed is what is consumed, the almond. Initially it is greenish to later go on to acquire a yellow tone and finish later with a light brown color that gets darker indicating the age of the seed.

What climate does the almond need?

The almond is able to survive a variety of climates but only in the most favorable for its development, will be where an optimal production is achieved. It is a fruit tree that needs to be grown in warm areas, so it is not very tolerant to cold and very resistant to droughts. The maturation of its fruit needs a lot of time and the right temperature to develop.

Ground needs of the almond:

The almond prefers sandy and loose soils, avoiding always those flooded and heavy earth, as it would suffocate the roots weakening them and exposing them to plagues and diseases of almond trees.

How to pay the almond?

As the almond is normally rainfed, the fertilizer in these cases is usually very small. It is necessary to provide them fertilizer or fertilizer especially in winter and during the vegetative period to control the deficiencies of zinc that usually are habitual of this plant.

Steps to prepare the almond crop:

Plantation. To carry out the almond tree plantation, we must take into account the resistance of the variety we want to cultivate, the type of harvest and if it is planted in dry or irrigated land.
Preparation of the land. Choose a herbicide that helps you to end up with weeds and remains of previous crops, since the almond tree is very sensitive to attacks of fungi and other diseases. Mix the soil with manure and level the soil.

Thanks to the consumption of almonds we can reduce the risk of suffering from degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, since they promote brain activity while providing nutrients to the nervous system.
Prevent diseases
Almonds are good for the heart. Studies carried out by innumerable experts have shown that those people who eat almonds frequently, that is to say five times a week, have a fifty percent greater chance of reducing the risk of suffering a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.

They are very good for the brain
The frequent consumption of almonds drives the brain to have a greater activity, which allows to reduce the risk of suffering diseases as complicated and degenerative as Alzheimer's.


For more details view his blog:


I love almonds very much

Such an amazing fruit


please upvote me and follow me @rahmadharun93

I love almond fruit so much and am begining to salivate


please upvote me and follow me @rahmadharun93

great post, I did not know so much about almonds


please upvote me and follow me @rahmadharun93


please upvote me and follow me @rahmadharun93