DailyCelestialChallenge: sunday-light


Happy and blessed Sunday beloved people of Steemit and @steemchurch. Once again giving blessings and greetings to @sirknight for such a great initiative. in the #celestialchallenge of today's Sunday of light.


The nearest star, around which the Earth and the other planets of our system revolve. The 4th day of creation appeared for the day to govern; while the Moon, the lesser light, was to rule the night (Gen 1: 16-19)

The sunrise and sunset are natural phenomena easier to observe to indicate the sequence of days. Between sunrise and sunset the Hebrews recognized at least 3 periods: the morning, when the Sun increases its heat; noon; and the afternoon, designated by the expression "fresh air of the day"

The sun, by its strength in the form of light and heat, was understood by the human being, since time immemorial, as very important for life. Therefore, it is easy to guess that the sun has been the object of worship in ancient cultures. To enter into the symbolism of the sun in these cultures is to discover a "sacred" form of nature and its influence on life.

The sun also made possible the survival of man, because it produced fruits
To speak of the sun as something similar to God is a resource that the Sacred Scripture uses to speak to us of what God is for life and for man.


(Jn 1,4-5)
Jesus, who is light that gives life and shines in the darkness
"But, on the other hand, for you who respect my Name, the sun of justice will shine, which will bring health in its rays" (M 3, 20)

In a special way, Jesus is spoken of as the sun when Zechariah speaks of him in the Benedictus: By the tender mercy of our God, the sun that comes from on high will visit us, to enlighten those who live in darkness and in the shadow of death , to guide our steps on the path of peace (Zc 1, 77b-79)

In addition Jesus shined bright as the sun in the episode of the transfiguration. And when the Lord dies on the Cross, says the Holy Scripture, the sun is eclipsed. And if Christ is the sun, by extension he must also be his disciples, the righteous will shine like the sun. And we also have the eschatological vision of John to see the face of Jesus "like the sun when it shines with all its strength" (Ap1, 16)

Jesus said of himself to be the light of the world (Jn 8, 12); and this leads to thinking about the sun more than for example in an oil lamp or in a candle. And Jesus as the risen one is when it shines the most like the sun. As the sun dies hiding in the evening in the west and is reborn in the morning in the east, so Christ rises from the dead


Just as the sun is of utmost importance for the earth and for life on the planet, God is also like a Sun for the people and for the life of those who believe in Him; God illuminates the world, dispels darkness and gives warmth of life

For more information, check his blog:


Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:
