DailyCelestialChallenge Tuesday-AnimalKingdom: " The crows "

When the crows feed you

Elijah was obedient to the word of the Lord, and went to live near the Brook of Querit, facing the Jordan River. The crows came in the morning and in the afternoon, and brought him bread and meat, and he drank water from the stream. 1 Kings17: 5-6, RVC.

Elijah obeyed God and God provided. In 1 Samuel 15:22, it teaches us that obedience is better than sacrifice. Now, this is one of the three occasions in which God provides for Elijah in a supernatural way. First, here by means of the crows, second, in the following verses by means of the widow, and third in chapter 19 by means of an angel. Why? God always provides for those who walk in righteousness.



Psalm 37:25 tells us: I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

God is a God of provision. He will never let his children starve. He will never let his children go hungry. The God of the manna in the desert is the God of the crows by the stream. He will use the good, the bad and the ugly to feed you but you will not suffer from hunger.Why the crow? The raven is a bad and dirty animal; In Genesis chapter 8, it was the crow that showed Noah that things were still rotten. But God is a God who can cleanse the unclean and tame the bad. He is the God of both the crow and the dove.


The crow represents an unlikely resource. Sometimes God feeds us and blesses us with unlikely resources. Here is the Word, this is your season of raven food. God is about to feed you with unlikely resources. God is about to provide the place you least expect it to be.

So when you see the crow, shout, there comes my bread, there comes my flesh!

Have a wonderful day.
Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:
Monday - Darkness