For this special day and the themes sponsored by our friend and mentor @sirknight es maybe it is difficult to think about what to share, many ideas come up but you do not know which option to decide, today take the initiative to show them some of the jumps there are in the Canaima National Park located in La Gran Sabana Venezuela, one of the best places in this region without a doubt and visited by many annually, both Venezuela and foreigners.
I jump the toad this beautiful place is close to the splendid lagoon of Canaima, in a deviation of the Carrao river, this is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the region, a great torrent of rivers of water is impressive to see this place, especially at the time of rain when its flow is stronger and imposing, this place has a splendid view that allows you to appreciate one of the three characteristic tepuys of Canaima such as Zamuro, Venado and Cerbatana appreciating the great grass of the savanna.
The jump yuruani is a great fall of very low water currents that is born in the yuruani river is easy to reach since it is located near the main road in the eastern area of Canaima National Park, this jump is ideal for extreme sports when its flows are at maximum after a rainy day allowing to move in rafts.
In the Western sector located in the Canaima National Park, there is an Auyantepuy, one of the best known tepuys in the world, the tepuis are those flat mountains that end with immense vertical walls, surrounded by a great natural greenness of that tepuy is born that we know today as the Angel Falls, with its 979 meters of free fall, this jump being the highest detected so far in the whole world, to be able to appreciate this beautiful jump can only be done in two ways one of them is from the air going up in a small plane and the other way is for an excursion that leaves from the ucaima port located in Canaima, and lasts more than three hours navigating two rivers until reaching the mirador del salto angel, this place is one of the most visited of the Instead, many tourists pay large amounts of money just to appreciate it as close as possible
Thanks to @sirknight #celestialchallenge has been a great initiative.Feel free and join the #celestialchallenge.
Sunday-Light Monday-Darkness Tuesday-AnimalKingdom Wednesday-Structures Thursday-ForcesinNature Friday-LoveBeautyFreedom Saturday-Agriculture .

La Gran Sabana!! one of the most great places in the world!!
thank you friends
Una impactante belleza natural de la cual nos sentimos tan orgullosos nosotros los venezolanos, gracias por mostrársela al mundo.
gracias amiga si un verdadero espectaculo estas caidas de agua.
Pura belleza.. un gran privilegio q nos regala la naturaleza...