Daily Celestial Challenge/Friday-LoveBeautyFreedom

bruary came the month of love and friendship, where in several countries of the world with great enthusiasm and joy celebrate Valentine's Day. This date, has adopted different names, Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day or Day of love and friendship, but what is the origin of this celebration so particular? Why should you only celebrate and show your love in only one day of the year if you can do it every day? We put all the expectations and pressure on a single date. But every day you can enjoy love.


This February 14 is celebrated in many European countries as the international day of lovers, however, not everyone celebrates Valentine's Day the same day. Even in some places the meaning changes.
That date was chosen as a holiday because the Roman Catholic calendar chose it to remember a Christian saint, Saint Valentine, martyred by the Roman Emperor Claudius II.
The story behind tells us that Valentine was sacrificed because he dedicated himself to marrying couples even when the emperor had forbidden it. Apparently, the Roman leader had the belief that married soldiers were not as good and efficient as single people

Throughout the centuries a whole series of legends and traditions have been combined and Valentine's Day is currently a date dedicated to lovers; a date in which messages and gifts are exchanged to show love and friendship to the closest ones.
Do not wait for that day to tell your partner how important it is for you. It is not corny, is that we really put so much pressure in a single day, that if it goes wrong, it is terrible. We get frustrated, or angry, and generate expectations. It should not be like that - although everyone has his way. Love has different ways. It's free, and you should let it flow.
Because each relationship is a new world. And you can create whatever you want in it. It's who you love and yours. Nobody else should interfere. And if you want to spend every day as if it were the day of love and friendship - making a small gesture for the other - you will surely enjoy it.