It is called fire to the group of particles or incandescent molecules of combustible matter, capable of emitting visible light, product of a chemical reaction of violent oxidation. Flames are the parts of the fire that emit visible light, while the smoke is physically the same but no longer emits it.
As in the present, in biblical times fire played a very important role in the life of man. While the Bible specifically states that it was required to refine, forge and melt metals, prepare food, heat houses, as well as offer sacrifices and incense, it also says that, due to the destructive power of an uncontrolled fire, it is found among four of the things that have not said "Enough!" Surely for this same reason, Santiago compared the improper use of the language to a devastating fire. Snt 3: 5-8;

The angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire that burned in the middle of a bush without it being consumed. There was also a pillar of fire that led the Israelites through the desert when they traveled at night and then landed on the tabernacle to indicate the presence of God. On the other hand, the manifestation of the glory of God in fire when the Law was delivered to the people of Israel made Mount Sinai smoke.

Both the word fire and related terms (burning, lighting, flares, etc.) are figuratively related to love, passion, anger and judgment, as well as strong emotions. When Jeremiah tried to stop speaking the word of Jehovah, he realized that it was impossible, because it was like a burning fire locked in his bones. The Scriptures refer to God as a consuming fire because of its cleanliness, purity and requirement of exclusive devotion, as well as because of its power to annihilate those who oppose them. His ardor and his fury burn like fire, and also like a fire are his tongue and his word.
In Biblical times, fire was the best means to destroy something completely. That is why God used the term fire in an illustrative way to refer to the complete destruction of the wicked; On one occasion, Jesus warned his disciples of the danger of letting their hand, foot or eye make them stumble in such a way that they would fall victim to Gehenna, and then added: ** "Everyone has to be salted with fire. "**. With these words, God must have meant that all who did that about what was being warned would be salted with the fire of Gehenna, that is, eternal destruction.
Peter wrote that the heavens and the earth that exist now are kept for fire. The context of this passage and other texts show that this fire is not literal, but means eternal destruction. Just as the Flood of Noah's Day did not destroy the literal heavens or Earth, but only the ungodly, in the same way the revelation of Jesus Christ with his powerful angels in flaming fire will result in the eternal destruction of only the wicked and of the system of things of which they are a part.

I can only remind members of steemit that they are part of the flame and that far away they lose all their shine. We are responsible for keeping the flame burning and promoting unity among all with the word of God, so that the fire is really strong, effective and lasting
Psalm 113: 3
From the rising of the sun to its sunset, praise be the name of the LORD
For more information, check his blog:
Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:
sunday- light
light monday-darkness
Tuesday-animal kingdom
True talk. Our job as believers is really to keep the flame burning and promoting unity among all the people of the world, with the word of God
Yes, together we are more and we can give messages that maintain the faith.
I like the picture @karlenis
thank you, what a pleasure that you liked