Ýèeeeeee,this is dangerous!!! It causes by that tiny insect!!!Showers of praise go to @sirknight for initiating this that we have foundintresting today!! He boldly introduced the #celestialchallenge.
Do you know this little insect is more dangerous that you know??.
Mosquitoes are small midge-flies,they have tube-like mouthparts that they use to piece the hole.....they suck your blood with it!! With tjis mouth-piece, they are able to inject their saliva in their host...like human beings!. Mosquitoes are vectors of deadly organisms,which means they are carriers of many disease causing organisms. They are very noctunal,meaning they are very active in the night.
There are so many species of mosquitoes
AEDES MOSQUITO:They are spotted everywhere ,except the antarctica,they spread the deadly dengue fever,west nile fever and the zika virus.
ANOPHELES MOSQUITO:There are about 450 species in the world.They causes malaria
CULEX MOSQUITOES. These and other species of mosquitoes.
The female lives longer than the males. Females have 42-56 days,while the male has only 10 days yo live.
The mosquto virtually goes through insect life stages which is tetmed metamorphosis.
Below is an illustrations of mosquito metarmophosis.
Mosquitoes thrive well in stagnant water, fresh standing water,empty tins that contain watermbirdbaths,clogged rain gutters,discarded tires etc.
Research shows mosquitoes are attracted to certain types of people,yes they do!
-people who are wearing black dresses,
-Pregnant women: pregnant women exhale a lot of carbon dioxide and mosquitoes like that
-Alcohol:alcohol raises nodt temperatures and mosquitos will zero in on that
- After exercise,the body has produced a alot of lactic acid, mosquitoes like it!,
- Type O blood group are typically bitten by mosquitoes.
They cause malaria!!
The female anopheles mosquitoes infect with malaria after bitingits host.
In Africa,627,000 die annually of malaria in Africa.
Symptoms of malaria include :severe body aches ,fever with chills,cold extremeties and anaemia.
The cycle of malaria parasites in the blood stream
They cause dengue fever
They cause elephantiasis
Aedes mosquitoes carry the filiaris worm they enter the body and cause damage to tne lymphatic system .
Pictures of filiaris infectedscrotum, leg and hand respectfully
Mquito bites can be prevented by:
-Growing garlic the yards
-using citronella products
-putting oil on stagnant water
- lantana camara plant repels mosquitoes
Lantana camara
-sleeping under mosquito net
-using mosquito repellent pomades
Drive malaria away,before they drive you into your grave!!!!
Photographs courtesy of google