Daily Celestial Challenge #Tuesday- AnimalKingdom.


The parrots are characterized by having a curved beak, with a lower jaw with some mobility in its connection with the skull and located in a fairly vertical position. They also have a large cranial capacity and are one of the most intelligent groups of birds.3 They are birds that fly well and are able to grasp the branches of trees and climb them with dexterity, thanks to their predatory zigzag claws (with two fingers forward and two backwards).

Another characteristic of parrots is the intense coloration of their plumage. The predominant color of the plumage of parrots is green, although most species also have some red, blue, yellow and other colors in various amounts. The coloring of the feathers of the parrots is due both to the pigments and special structures of their feathers, such as the texture of Dyck, which scatter light, causing the appearance of colors such as blue (a fundamental component of green). They differ from their relatives the cockatoos in that they lack their characteristic erectile plumes in the head. They also differ in plumage tones, cockatoos are predominantly white or black, and although they may also have pink, red, yellow or orange colors, cockatoos lack the green and blue tones in their plumage.



Distribución y hábitat
Generalmente viven en regiones tropicales o cálidas. Los loros se extienden por el hemisferio sur, además de la región tropical y subtropical del hemisferio norte, distribuidos por el sur de Asia, el África subsahariana, Oceanía, América del Sur y Central, y en el pasado había una especie nativa de Norteamérica, el lorito de Carolina extinto en época histórica. Aunque las mayores poblaciones nativas son las de Australasia, América del Sur y América Central. Los loros ocupan un gran espectro de hábitats desde la selva húmeda tropical hasta los desiertos del interior de Australia.
