I love eating watermelon not only because it is a fruit that contributes very few calories to the body, but also because it also contains vitamins and minerals that help, this is a food very rich in sugars and has few fats and proteins that only provide very few calories. vitamin A, and it is a fruit that refreshes and contains diuretic properties, in many countries they take it with many medicinal purposes, besides it is essential to recover from a hangover of liquor.

As it is also very important to describe that this fruit is beneficial against hypertension, pharyngitis and heat stroke, among other diseases this type of fruit is often consumed by men because it serves as an aphrodisiac to have sex because it relaxes the blood vessels by its high the release of testosterone is a type of natural medicine. This serves as a dessert, snack and we can also serve it as a Natural Refreshment

Ezekiel 36:30
`And I will multiply the fruit of the trees and the produce of the field, so that you will not receive the reproach of famine among the nations.
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