Where do the children of Jehovah find refuge? We have a wonderful privilege, because even though we are sinners, even if we are stubborn people who always want to be guided by our own prudence, Jehovah does not forget us. Sometimes we move away little by little from God, until we see that everything goes out of control, so we despair and do not know what to do, our Father in his infinite mercy gives us shelter, shelter and forgiveness. And not only when we have lost ourselves in the way of grace, God offers us his arms, but at all times, the children of God always have a secure strength in Christ Jesus, they always have where to go in search of help, shelter, protection and of food of life. The name of Jehovah has Power, in his name we can decree prosperity, health, power and strength. Let us pronounce the sacred name of our Father with faith, seek his presence and find the tools we need, we will find the strength that only God can give us, in the name of Jehovah we can be lifted from all hardship that we are going through, we can be raised in Peace and tranquility that Christ offers us, in the name of Jehovah we can be clean and saved. Let us appropriate ourselves of our Father, He is our refuge, let us not continue alone, let us seek His infinite mercy.
Do now a days people come to God in terms of trouble, the answer is no. People now a days thinks can find comfort in man but let me tell you the only person we can find comfort is God
Amen is like that, God bless you, Beloved