Daily Celestial challenge: Agriculture (GRAPEVINES)

Good day steemains today we shall be talking about grapevine plant on this challenge.. Most of you may know about the plant grape...but this write up will show you that there is more to the plant ....grapevine
Grapevine scientific name is called "Vitis" so in the course of this write up "Vitis" would be used. Vitis is a genus of over 70 recognized species of Vining plants in the flowering plant family vitaceae. This genus found in Vitis is made up species that are most likely from the northern part of the world ..it's important is mostly economical such that one can sell the fruits for consumption or it can be fermented to produce wine which can be very profitable. The study and cultivation of grapevine is called "viticulture".
Grapes in general are a type of fruit that grow together..,they can come in different color such as pink, green, black, purple and dark blue. Grapes are typically an ellipsoid shape resembling a prolate spheroid.
In the biological make up of grapevine the flower buds are the first to get started...,although they are formed late in the high season and during winter so it can grow well in the following year.. Vitis is very different from other genera of Vitaceae by having petals which remain joined at the tip and remove from the base so to come together as a "cap".
Most of the vitis species come from the northern region as stated before such as Asia and North America....,while others came from southern Europe and southwest Asia. The various species surface in widely different geographical locations making the species have a lot of difference. A factual figure of the species is not certain, with species in different places. An estimate range of 40 to more than 70...,an example of some of this species are;
★Vitis labrusca, the fox grapevine, sometimes used for to wine. Native to the eastern United states and Canada ..
★Vitis amurensis, the most important Asian species..
★Vitis rotunditolia,native to the southeastern United state from Delaware to the Gulf of Mexico.. These are just some of the notable once ..
Apart from the fruit used for consumption as fresh grape and the making of wine ,the leaves are also used; they are edible and are used in the production of dolmades and Vietnamese lot leaves..
Grape/Vitis above every other thing hold its value due to the fact that more than 70 thousand square kilometers of the world was dedicated to grape....Mind blowing right?...this information was passed by the "Food and Agriculture Organization" (FAO); Also Vitis(grapevine) are widely cultivated by gardeners and various suppliers cater specifically for the trade ..
The grapevine which also has its elements of symbolism in Christiandom. In the bible we found out that the vines appeared frequently both in the old and new testament. But held much value in the new testament when Jesus said "I am the vine" making the vine to be a symbol of Christ blood..
How To start a Grapevine
To start your own grapevine look for an already established, dormant plant which you will take away cuttings .it is with this cuttings you would start. Raining season the grapevine are difficult in texture this is the right time to get your cuttings because it would till be able to grow new roots.
coming together of starts
When gathering starts make sure you cut 16- to 20-inch long shoots from one-year-old canes. Select canes that are round rather than flat and at least pencil-thick. Make a flat cut on the bottom and an angled cut on the top to help you remember which end to plant.
Get your tools with you at all times, use your garden knife to trim off all but the top two buds on each cuttings.
Injure the bottom of each cutting by cutting a narrow, 3/4-inch long strip of bark from the bottom. A callus will develop over the top of the wound, stimulating root production.
Dont forget to pour a small mound of rooting compound in a shallow plate and dip the ends of each cutting into it. Remove any excess found on the cuttings.
Planting and Tending
When you are planting your cuttings place then 6 inches apart in a sand filled trench with only the top two buds showing above the soil.press the sand down around each cutting to eliminate air pockets. This trench will be their nursery bed until they are ready for transplanting to their permanent location in your yard.
Add the right amount of water to the soil so it does not become to watery which can cause rot to the young canes. Don't except anything like leaf growth for a while your canes is busy establishing roots.
Make sure you choose a forever home spot for your grape plants. look into the needs of your desired choices, in all do best with 7 to 8 hrs of sun day to day and a gap of 7 to 9 feet between each plant.
Dig and set up the ground by putting 2 inches of fertilizer into the soil where you wanted to plant.
Move the grapes to their forever home in during raining season or early the following harmattan.
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