DailyCelestialChallenge: Thursday-Forcesin Nature


When we look at our around, we see many types of forces. We apply a force on the ground when we walk; push and lift objects by applying a force; to stretch a rope we must apply a force; the wind pulls a tree, pushing a boat through a force; the expansion of gases in internal combustion engines produces a force that makes a car, a boat or an airplane move; electric motors produce a force that moves objects.
Most of the phenomena occurring in nature can be explained through four interactions that occur in nature. Phenomena such as the movement of the planets, comets and other stars around the Sun, the movement of loads in a conductor that induce a magnetic field, forces of attraction experienced by the electrons around the nucleus, the energy use atomic nuclei, among many other events, they happen thanks to the action of four forces.


In nature, there is the interaction of four forces namely: gravitational, electromagnetic interaction, strong nuclear interaction and weak nuclear interaction.
However, there is a clear and forceful statement throughout the Bible and Christian doctrine: in the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth (Genesis. 1:1).
Nature did not itself; rain not be auto causes; the lilies of the field are not worn by the "earth goddess". It was God who made all of nature. But it is also God who sends the rain, who contains the sea within its boundaries, loose wind sends lightning and is he who gives you their beauty to the lilies of the fields.

God controls the weather


Everyone at some point in our lives has been affected by the weather and the forces of nature. Most of the time, time causes inconveniences; for example, a delayed flight, a canceled trip or something similar. Often, people somewhere, is seriously affected by the weather and the most violent forces of nature. A prolonged drought will damage the farmer's crop or, a hail will destroy it in an hour.


When we are affected by the weather, either by a simple problem or one major disaster, we tend to think of it only as an impersonal expression of certain established laws, meteorological or geological. Whether it is something insignificant or traumatic tend to think in the expressions of nature as "something that happens", and we as the "unfortunate" victims of what it holds. In practice, even Christians tend to live and think as deists that I mentioned in a previous chapter, which envisaged God as the creator of the universe who then left him so it is governed according to its own natural laws.
But God did not let the daily control of his creation, but established physical laws to govern the forces of nature, which operate continuously according to his sovereign will. There are approximately 1,400 references related to weather terminology, many of whom attribute all phenomena of time, directly at the hand of God in the Bible. Most of these passages speak of control of God above all the time, and not only of a divine intervention on specific occasions. Whether the time is good or bad, we are not the victims or the beneficiaries of the impersonal powers of nature. God, who is the loving and heavenly Father of all of us, is sovereign over time, and exercises his sovereignty at all times.

Complaining or giving thanks

Complaining about the weather seems to be one of the favorite pastimes of the people. Sadly we often fall into this sinful habit. But when we complain about it, in reality, we do it against God who did it, and therefore, we sin against Him.


Not only do we sin against God when we complain about the state of time, but we also deprive ourselves of the peace that comes from recognizing that our heavenly Father controls it.
We tend to remember bad weather and take for granted the good. However, when Jesus spoke about time, he did so by referring to the goodness of God: ... "so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven, who makes his sun rise on bad or good, and who rains on righteous people and unjust "(Matthew 5:45)

Natural disasters

What about the natural disasters that often occur in various parts of the world? Many people every day fight against the countless natural disasters of great magnitude around the world. An earthquake somewhere, a famine in another, typhoons and droughts in others; thousands of people dead and others slowly dying of hunger; whole regions devastated, crops ruined, and homes destroyed. "Why does God allow all this?"; "Why do you allow innocent children to be hungry?"


It is not bad questioning about all these aspects, as long as we do it with a reverent and submissive attitude toward God. Indeed, to stop questioning about these great tragedies could indicate a lack of compassion on our part towards others. However, we must be careful not even in thought to lower God from his throne of absolute sovereignty, and take him to the stand of our judgments.

God intervenes in these events, as he says in Isaiah 45: 7: "That I form the light and created the darkness, that I make peace and create adversity. I, Jehovah, am the one who does all this. " God himself accepts the responsibility, so to speak, about disasters, and today, rather than accepting responsibility, he claims it. In effect, He says: "I and only I have the power and the authority to bring both prosperity and adversity, well-being and affliction, good and evil. This is a hard truth to accept when you see people looking through the rubble what their homes were or, worse, if you are one of them.

Definitely nature expresses the glory of God, not his own glory. Nature not only manifests that there is a God, but displays the glory of that one God.

Accompany me in this great daily challenge:

Thursday-Forcesin Nature