Ethologically, cats see humans as a substitute for their mothers, living a kind of prolongation during their maturity from the time they are puppies.
Contrary to what is usually assumed, in the wild the cat is a very social animal, which comes to establish more or less hierarchical colonies. It is a hunting animal and the males mark the territory urinating.
Could suffer from psychological diseases such as stress. Like a stressed human, it will tend to develop a neurotic behavior.
His old age is not gradual, like human, but abrupt. It lasts about a year and leads to death. An old specimen develops cataracts and becomes slower. He also loses his smell. Generally sleep all day, without developing any other activity, shows extreme tiredness.
The cat presents several scripts throughout the year, which usually last from four to seven days. In estrus, the cats meow more frequently and several cats can fight for a female in heat, the one that wins, earns the right to copulate. Although the female at first is reluctant to intercourse, ends up accepting the male, who approaches the female, which will try to resist by all means to copulation. If the male is skillful, he will bite the back of the neck, immobilizing it. The penetration is somewhat painful, since the cat's penis, like that of the lion, has tips that rub the vagina, called spicules, triggering a natural reaction that causes ovulation; Because this does not always happen, it is rare that fertilization is achieved in the first copulation. The cats, in addition, copulate with several males so that one litter can have different parents.
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