Hello guys today my topic for forces in nature is air. Air is a vey major force in nature. Air has many benefits in it. Air consits of oxygen which is necessary for living. I would like to tell you about a story that i heard from my mom when i was little. The story is about hazrat sulleman . He was a prophet. He was the one who could control eveything on earth. Once a queen named Saba came to him and said that "i don't believe in you. I don't believe that you can control everything". So hazrat Sulleman said her to turn around. Hazrat sulleman than ordered the air to get her throne from her castle. The air took her throne and placed it beside hazrat Sulleman. Then hazrat sulleman said to the queen "Is this your throne?" . The queen looked in desbelief cause it was her throne. She at once asked for forgiveness.
This is not photographed by me Note:- have a look at the celestial challnge started by @sirknight