Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
God has made me and you a creation of him and has given us the power over every things on this Earth, so he has made us an excellent creature which have the ability to differentiate between good and bad.
We all know about the first man created by God which is our father Adam and our mother Eve but they go against the will of God, When God ask them not to eat one of the fruit in the garden and they were lead to temptation by the serpent, which brought about a curse on man.
Everything done before the creation of man is already planned by God to make every need of man available, so that they can enjoy his presence and fellowship with. when God created man he said in Gen 1: 26 "let us make man in our own image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle, and over all the earth".
The reason God also made man on the sixth day is because he want us to be in charge of everything he has created, by living in love, peace and happiness without any sorrow, pain or Agony.
God so much love his creation that he made us in his image and also made us superior of every living things of the earth.
The reason why man are so precious in the site of God are:
We all carries God breath, because he has giving us the breath of life and make us to be in charge of his flock, so we have been given the power over the principality and power rulership of darkness, wicked spirit in high place. So who am I to fear , when God be for me who can stand against me. - FULFILLMENT OF CREATION
God made man in other to glorify his work and praise him, because Lucifer misbehaved to God, he was among the angels that do praise God in heaven but when he proposed to raise his throne above God, Then God created man to do his job and worship him at all time.
We are created to have dominion of the Earth, to be the shepherd of his flock and to praise his name forever.
I just love to read your post every time you post, the word of God will forever remain in your mouth. Please sir keep it up
I love this post. Good one
This makes man different from all his creatures. Is interesting to share such a wonderful post sayodele52
For God to have made man in his image, it is clear that we are all precious to God,and it will be great for us to know and get that into our heads.