Ok, Darlenys, this Knight can barely keep his eyes open... when he came across this post.
SirKnight uses Aloe Vera on cuts and burns all the time... works great. Had heard some people drink it to assist with arthritis.
Will resteem this post now and read tomorrow - looking forward to learning more about this magical plant.
Great choice for CelestialChallenge Saturday.
thanks @sirknight, aloe vera is a magic plant, I take it in juices, also the gel chopped like a pill, it is an excellent purifier, desinflamatorio.What is very important is to wash it well, let it bounce all the yellowish substance, called iodine and start enjoying all its properties!
This is great Darlenys. Now tell me more about 'bouncing the yellow iodine' please. Incidentally iodine is used for sterilisation is it not? How good is aloe vera!
Soaking the leaf all night is a good way to get rid of 'iodine' (aloin). Some people leave the aloe leaf cut in a glass with water, with the part of the cut down, so that all the latex with aloin drains. Then drain the water well and wash the leaf well. After doing this, use the leaf in the shell and everything. This procedure effectively eliminates latex with aloin.
The aloin is irritating, reason why it is contraindicated in all the treatments of the skin or the mucous membranes (ulcers, gastritis, colitis, etc.). Its ability to irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.
In my research, I use it in seven waters to bounce all that substance consumption in juices, and cure me of gastritis.Hello @sirknight, I missed you very much and your comments that good that you are here I comment: The belief that aloe vera (aloe) contains a lot of iodine is because when a leaf of this plant is wounded, it reacts by releasing a yellowish latex which, when in contact with air, oxidizes and turns brown.