"This parable is very ancient, because God still lived on Earth in those days. Once a farmer came to God and said:
Listen, You are God and You created the world, but one thing I can tell You - You are not a farmer. You do not even know the basics of farming. You need to learn a little.
What do you suggest? - God asked.
Give me one year, and let everything happen, as I want, and see what happens. Poverty will not.
God agreed and gave the farmer one year.
Naturally, the farmer asked for the very best. There was no storm, no lightning, no frost, nothing dangerous for the harvest. If he wanted the sun - there was a sun, when he wanted rain - it was raining, and just as much as he wished. This year everything was correct, everything was mathematically exact. The farmer received everything necessary, all the most favorable and was happy. Wheat has grown very high!
And the farmer came to God and said:
"Look, this time the harvest is such that even if people do not work for 10 years, there will be enough food.
But when the harvest was harvested, there was no grain in the wheat.
The farmer was unspeakably surprised. He asked God:
- Why did it happen so? What did I do wrong?
God said:
- The reason is that there was no resistance, there was no conflict, there was no struggle for survival ... You eliminated all the unfavorable, and the grain in your wheat were left empty! A little struggle for cultivation would be just right. And storms are necessary, and thunder and lightning! They would awaken the Soul of wheat, and you would get a good harvest! "
This ancient parable makes you think about why the grain actually turned out to be empty. As you know, there are 4 main factors of harvest: light, water, heat and fertility. Harvest is always obtained by the minimum factor. There will be a cold summer - a crop over the heat, an arid - on the water, cloudy - in the light. The farmer asked for 3 of these factors, but did not take care of fertility, about plant nutrition!
If the farmer knew about the role of earthworms, biohumus and ecological farming, he could even grow a rich wheat crop in the desert. And even what! Bio-organic wheat, combining health benefits, energy and Soul!
Friends, go on to ecological farming! Using modern technologies, we can easily control all 4 factors of the harvest, achieving unprecedented successes in agriculture and farming. Solar vegetation, high-brightness LED lights, drip irrigation, Biosoil with a high content of vermicompost, all this allows us to get the maximum possible yields of environmentally friendly food. In such products, tens of times more vitamins, antioxidants and energy. They are really tasty and useful. And from proper nutrition depends not only the immunity and health of people, but also work capacity, longevity and happiness.
Wrote by - Konin ss.
Translated by me.
Images- from google images.
Apooo boru danna epa hlo....)))
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