My most beautiful memories with a animal but a tragic one also :(
Dogs are the most loyal animal . There were 2 dogs in my neighbor home so I insisted my father to get me a dog please .So he brought me this dark brown (left one) dog.I named him "pappu" .I used to play with him enjoying my full day with him . he became so loyal to me that even when I used to go school he used to come with me just to protect me on the way to school as I used to go school on foot . My days were going very beautiful but unfortunately a incident happended.
I was coming back from school with my mother and pappu on foot .Two snatchers came and tried to snatch my mother's handbag but pappu attacked them and one of the snatcher shot at pappu and they both got away.Pappu died on that moment :'( .This was the most terrific moment of my life . I cry when I recall this scene :'(
Free vote for you! Yay!
Beautiful dogs. Try to take good care of them.
Yeah I do :)