Anyone who has a dog, cat or any type of pet knows the important role that the animal plays in the family, but surely does not know that the relationship between humans and animals played a decisive role even in the evolution of the animal itself. species, and that our empathy and our language would not be the same without them.
Those of us who live with pets have something in common and that is the love towards animals. Feelings that can not be explained and some people can not understand us either. And is that our little friends make us happy day by day, feel an unconditional love towards their owners and always without expecting anything in return.
Beautiful message from Mother Teresa of Calcutta:
“Because they give everything without asking for anything. Because before the power of man who has weapons, they are defenseless. Because they are eternal children, they know neither of hatred nor of wars. Because they do not know the money and are satisfied only with a roof where they can shelter from the cold. Because they are implied without words, because their gaze is pure as their Soul. Because they know neither envy nor grudges, because forgiveness is something natural in them. Because they know to love with loyalty and faithfulness. Because they give life without having to go to a luxurious clinic. Because they do not buy love, they simply wait for it and because they are our companions, eternal friends who never betray. Because they are alive. For this and a thousand other things we deserve our love. If we learn to love them as they deserve, we will be closer to God”
There are also studies that show that animals can benefit our health and even cure diseases. That is why we must always respect the animals and in no case mistreat them or abandon them to their fate. A pet is not a toy, but a living being with feelings and emotions, a faithful friend who never fails us.
I very much appreciate this article about pets!
Thank you