Bienvenidos a nuestro reporte de curación número 557
Creemos que el mayor valor que podemos aportar a Hive no solo radica en la curación de contenido (votar artículos) sino en la curación social, es decir, la curación que se sirve de la crítica constructiva y la educación por medio del comentario para agregar valor al aporte del autor, la unificación de éstos dos conceptos (curación de contenido + curación social) nos permitirá lograr mejores resultados a mediano y largo plazo con respecto a la calidad del contenido en Hive.
Realizamos curaduría de artículos en Español e Ingles de las siguientes categorías:
- Artes plásticas, visuales y escénicas
- Literatura
- Música
Los artículos publicados en este post no nos pertenecen, el único fin es publicitar el contenido y rendir cuentas de nuestras curaciones.
Welcome to our curation report number 557
We believe that the greatest value we can bring to Hive is not only in the curation of content (voting articles) but in the social curatorship, the curatorship that employs constructive criticism and education through the comments to add value to the contribution of the author, the unification of these two concepts (content curation + social curation) will allow us to achieve better results in the medium and long term regarding the quality of the content on Hive.
We are currently curing content in Spanish and English from the following categories:
- Plastic, visual and performing arts
- Literature
- Music
Down below we present the articles upvoted
The articles published in this post do not belong to us, the only purpose is to publicize the content and give an account of our curations.

Re-visiting and inhabiting spaces from memory: re-encounter with childhood, with our nature. Good poem and very significant photos @historiasamorlez
Oscuridad | Escritos de una mente desequilibrada XLIV
Very good poem. Verbally, excellent use of the dreamlike atmosphere and sensoriality; conceptually, extremely interesting the ambivalent proposal dark- dream-death; visually, attractive graphic presentation design. @josemalavem
TEXTO BREVE: "Tus Lunares" / SHORT TEXT: "Your Polka Dots"
Good poetic text of achieved eroticism and expression of the uncertainty in front of the body of the loved one. @josemalavem
Microrrelatos de terror | Segunda semana – Antonio el payaso
A good horror story with interesting elements of suspense, and a vampire-like recreation. @josemalavem
Letras propias 056: "La eternidad", por bonzopoe
A good poem about a difficult subject, which is resolved by the use of enumeration. The images of the sand and the snake stand out, very suggestive of that timeless time. @josemalavem
Dibujando la pose de un coquito ❤️�😍
A Girl and her Patronus | Birthday Present | Watercolors
Dibujo a grafito; Retratando a Sebastián Vettel, piloto de la Formula 1
#InkGris - Inktober DÍA 15 ❤️ WHITE WITCH (SPA / ENG) ❤️❤️❤️
8 Things I used to draw this portrait
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Muchas gracias por el apoyo @celfmagazine
Muchas gracias por la mención! 🙏
Thank you ❤