We have freedom of speech they say!

in #censorship9 years ago

A post went missing yesterday or rather ‘’censored’’ not missing. I can already hear some of you yell ‘I KNEW IT! I KNEW STEEMIT IS FAKE!’, but STEEMIT had nothing to do with that. The author of the post took down his text because of peer pressure. You see the author of the post was unwise enough to tell someone in RL that he made that post and he was intimidated into self-censorship.

Granted, the story ‘’should’’ not have gone public yet because it is politically ‘’delicate’’ but still i believe that dirt surrounding the matter should be spilled out into the open. Don’t get me wrong, i’m not a wannabe anarchist and i fully appreciate the need for secrecy when there is a good cause for it, but the only reason here is that some people can continue to profit at the expense of other peoples health.
Personally i know many far more chilling stories than the one which was censored yesterday, but i am not in a position where spilling the truth about them could cause me legal repercussions.

In all, our country's medical system is like a big ocean of guano… i know how many people complain over the USA’s medical system, but those people have no idea how backwater-darkage medical situation some ‘’1st world’’ countries have.

I will say more on that at a later time, for now i just leave you with a warning that you would do wise not to include your STEEMIT posts in RL conversations if you ever talk about the unpopular truths on STEEMIT.

Take care and stay true till next time.


After reading this, I need to figure out what to write that will piss off the maximum number for people without being vulgar. Give me a few minutes.

Censorship blows!

The humans I live around have made it clear nothing like their Real Life is to appear on Steemit.

This has given me the technical challenge to make some direct mention of them in many of my posts : )

/ hugz ; )

what you say is true.
and not true.
The Truth depends on your perception on what we call reality but what might better be called perception.
Because your energy follows your perception it creates your perception of reality. Therefore I invite you not to focus on what you don't want but on that you want to achieve for yourself or for the world. Think of peace, not of war. Think of freedom not of bondage. think of freedom of speech not of censorship! I invite you further to free yourself from the illusionary thoughts of your mind. You are not your mind, so you can listen to your thoughts as you were a stranger. By and by you learn not to identify yourself with you thoughts and you will learn to use your thoughts constructively for your purposes and not be used by your thoughts.