The state dazzles and beguiles the masses by flexing its destructive power to the people. This works to keep people in line through fear of the states power. It also gives the people a feeling of false empowerment by simple association with that government over innocent people that the state has deemed to be your enemies. This is the essence of patriotism. It is the idea that individuals belong to a group which does horrible things, claims that they are good things and the people proudly claim those "accomplishments" as their own - as if they are personally responsible for those acts. In every country on earth, you will find people who believe that THEIR country is the greatest on earth, and very often they will say that it is because of some violent conquest or victory in battle at some time in their history. Most countries have national anthems that memorialize a victory in battle.
Mad men, in order to control the masses, impose feelings of shame, embarrassment, and disgust upon acts of love and creation, while glorifying acts of destruction, death, and war.
It is because of this reason, that many of revolutions began with ideas promulgated by artists. The greatest artists in history have almost unanimously communicated ideas of liberty through poetry, song, paintings, photography, sculpture, film, and video. The greatest artists have had to endure censorship and even campaigns of violence against them and their works by church and state alike because the ideas they fostered formed a threat to state "authorities".
That tradition has continued in modern times with censorship of rock, punk, and metal music, adult magazines, films, and websites. Meanwhile, no meaningful censorship has ever been levied against films or publications that glorify war, violence, or other mass-murder committed by governments. In-fact, the U.S. CIA and Defense Departments have departments within them that assist in producing content that will portray government in positive or neutral aspects. For example, the U.S. Navy assisted in the filming of Top Gun and The Hunt for Red October, and has recently agreed to help with the production of Top Gun 2, while it refused to assist in the filming of Crimson Tide, which tells the story of a mutiny on a U.S. nuclear submarine which results in the successful aversion of a nuclear strike. The U.S. Navy even stated that they believe the new Top Gun film will bolster their recruiting numbers just as the first Top Gun film did. Think about that. The U.S. Navy would not allow the telling of a story of a LEGAL and just breaking of the Unified Chain of Command which saved the lives of untold millions, while promoting a film that will increase the number of young kids engaged in mortal combat.
Think about it! The same government which will publicly funds the telling of fictitious war stories (i.e. propaganda), so long as the government looks good or neutral, criminalized pornography claiming it is "obscene".Even though, with the growth of the internet, pornography has become more and more mainstream, and more accepted than ever before the stigma still remains as sex workers are generally viewed as degenerate scum while soldiers are still considered "heroes". Even with the constant exposition of the false premises for the wars, the US involvement in funding terrorism, and exposing of war crimes by those soldiers, almost no public condemnation of the actions of U.S. soldiers is tolerated.
Even with its newfound acceptance, the adult entertainment industry faces continual threats and challenges from various government entities and regulatory bodies. Some of the regulations are very intrusive to the point of requiring performers in adult videos to wear condoms and have those condoms visible to the viewer if the video is produced within the tax district called "Los Angeles County".
Despite having lost the fight against pornography in court, government "authorities" continue to wage war against a perfectly legal industry. Presidential candidate Rick Santorum repeatedly vowed to re-criminalize pornography and even to regulate sex acts between consenting adults in their private lives outside of the adult industry.
In Utah, lawmakers signed a (non-binding) concurrent resolution declaring pornography to be "a public health crisis”, and publicly blamed almost all crimes on it.
The insanity of government is proudly on display as they continue to wage war against art, beauty, and displays of creation and love, while publicly funding films that promote the military war machine built on death and destruction.
We believe that promoting pornography as something positive and healthy is an important aspect of this revolution away from nations built on wars of conquest to a world of peaceful, voluntary, commerce, trade, and relationships
The War on Porn is Back
Republican Lawmakers Think Porn is a Menace but GOP State Watch it the Most