Disqus provides discussion forum facilities for website owners and I use them on my own website. They mostly leave moderation up to the individual site owners, but last year they announced "new toxicity fighting technology".
For some years terfs and other hate cults have targeted me on social media. I suspect they are using automation, although there are also hate forums that advocate targeting me directly (for no real reason that I can determine other than that they be cu#ts who enjoy harassing people). I made the mistake of responding to one on a terf operated Disqus forum recently and unsurprisingly was subjected to a barrage of ad hominem and slander.
However it didn't end there. Elsewhere I had posted an article about privacy etiquette in photography and suddenly my own comments disappeared "awaiting moderation".
This is a common pattern right across social media where automation empowers hate cults to target, demonize and no-platform marginalized minorities I suspect Steemit will equally prove highly vulnerable, but have not experienced it myself yet.
It started when I was personally attacked and vilified after posting entirely on topic.
While the slander remains on that hate site here is what my Disqus posting history now looks like: